Jury members

Jury members

Состав жюри XVII фотоконкурса "Взгляды-2023"

Александр Коряков, руководитель фотослужбы ИД «Коммерсантъ» в Санкт-Петербурге, фотокорреспондет, журналист, фоторедактор.

Основное направление в фотографии — фоторепортаж. Принимал участие в ряде фотоконкурсов и совместных фотовыставках. До недавнего времени читал лекции по фотожурналистике. Кроме изданий ИД «Коммерсантъ» публиковался в журналах «Огонек», «Итоги» и во многих зарубежных СМИ.

С работами можно ознакомиться на сайте ИД «Коммерсантъ».

Олег Семенов, фотограф, специалист по созданию, обработке и использованию изображений Федерации космонавтики России Северо-Запад.

В 1993 году закончил Факультет фотокорреспондентов при Санкт-Петербургском Союзе журналистов. Активно сотрудничает с изданиями и журналами. Снимает для журналов «Pulse Санкт-Петербург», «SALON-interior», «Идеи для вашего дома», «Жилая среда», «На Невском». Олег Семенов является автором многих публикаций, статей и лекций по темам: «Космическая фотография», «Астрофотография», «Фотография в науке» а также автором персональных выставок на тему изучения космоса. Принимает активное участие в городских проектах и мероприятиях.

Юлия Павлова, междисциплинарная художница, преподаватель Академии документальной и арт фотографии «Фотографика» и ШкАФ (Школа Академической Фотографии).

Юлия работает с большими проектами, совмещая на равных условиях такие медиумы как фотография, скульптура, инсталляции и видео-арт. Является автором персональных выставок, проектов и книг, экземпляры которых находятся в частных и музейных коллекциях в России и за её пределами.

Natalia Kamolinkova, current municipal deputy, environmentalist, blogger, accessible environment activist and a girl who is wheelchair-bound.

The motto that Natalya Kamolinkova adheres to in her life sounds like this – «All the curbs are only in your head». It takes quite a bit to observe her life to be convinced of the truth of these words. This fragile, but strong girl proves to everyone daily that everyone can win and find their place in life in any life situation, you just have to want it and make an effort. She goes in for sports, travels, takes an active part in charity events and conferences. Her life is a movement, a kaleidoscope of events and stories. For the fourth year in a row, Natalya Kamolinkova supports the idea of the «Sights» photo contest – she is an information partner and a member of the jury.

Познакомиться с Натальей Камолинковой можно в ее странице в ВКонтакте.

Михаил Синицын — фотограф, фотокорреспондент «Агентства «Фото ИТАР-ТАСС», победитель фотоконкурса "Взгляды» 2022 года.

Михаил является лауреатом конкурса Газпром «Энергия Побед» — 2012, 2020 в номинациях для федеральных СМИ: «Лучший текст» и «Лучший фоторепортаж» и обладателем Гран При VII-го Всероссийского конкурса СФР и ВОИ «Без Барьеров». Автор специализируется на социальных и спортивных репортажах и проектах.

Pavel Platonov, Petersburg photographer.

The main direction of professional activity is subject photography. Author of thirteen solo exhibitions, participant of six exhibitions, curator of several photo projects, for many years he has been a jury member of the «Sights» contest.

You can get acquainted with the works of the author on the official website of the photographer.

Jury of previous years

Igor Lebedev – leading specialist in museum and educational activities, curator of the State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSPHOTO, lecturer at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University;
Natalya Koroleva – press secretary of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg;
Natalia Kamolinkova – is an active municipal deputy, an ecologist by profession, a blogger, an activist for an accessible environment and a girl who is wheelchair-bound;
Nadezhda Titova – documentary photographer, curator of photo projects;
Sergey Yelesin – photographer, photojournalist. Winner of the International Photo Contest «Sights-2020»;
Pavel Platonov – St. Petersburg photographer;
Svetlana Agapitova – Commissioner for Children's Rights in St. Petersburg;
Dmitry Antipin – Head of the Department of Social Programs and Interaction with Public Associations of the Committee for Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations;
Galina Artyomenko – correspondent of Information Agency Regnum;
Tatyana Atalyan – is a photo correspondent for the newspapers "On Nevsky", "Digital Photo", "Sport Market", "Techno Market". Participant of city, regional and international festivals and photo contests. Winner of the photo contest "Golden Pixel";
Sofia Bykova – representative of the winner of the photo contest Sights 2015;
Yulia Voronetskaya-Sokolova – Senior Lecturer at the St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television, author of research on the topic "The image of a special person in screen arts";
Alexey Gorshenin – winner of the photo contest "Sights 2017";
Julia Gusak – Director of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Center for Social Rehabilitation of the Disabled Persons";
Victoria Dubovskaya – press secretary of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg;
Natalia Evdokimova – Executive Secretary of the Human Rights Council of St. Petersburg, Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, Advisor to the Commissioner for Human Rights in St. Petersburg;
Nonna Ermilova – Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Radio Maria", member of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists;
Larisa Ermolaeva – Deputy Director for Creative Work of the "Troitsky" Cultural Center;
Irina Zanina – executive director of the theater "ШедЭврика" of the St. Petersburg Association of Public Associations of Parents of Disabled Children;
Elena Ignatieva – teacher of additional education at the "Debut" media workshop, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Nevsky" Teenage Center" in the direction of "Photojournalism", photojournalist, winner of the competitions "Петербургская жара", "Best of Russia";
Svetlana Isvandiyarova – Consultant for the professional rehabilitation of disabled people of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Center for the "Rehabilitation of the Disabled Persons";
Alexander Kolesin – President of the St. Petersburg public organization "Center for Practical Habilitation of Children with Hearing and Vision Impairment", winner of the XI professional competition of journalists in St. Petersburg "Golden Pen` 2005", executive secretary of the jury of the "Sights" photo contest;
Ekaterina Mayboroda – press secretary of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg;
Maria Nebesnaya – video artist of "Russian AHE Engineering Theatre", Moscow "LIQUID THEATER";
Yana Nazaryan – winner of the photo contest "Sights 2016";
Sergey Romashev – winner of the photo contest "Sights 2020";
Anatoly Smyslov – winner of the photo contest "Sights 2013";
Fedor Sobolev – winner of the photo contest "Sights 2014";
Alexey Sukhopar – St. Petersburg photographer, photo artist;
Natalya Shitova – Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Nevsky District (2009);
Dmitry Shubin – is an artist-photographer, author of more than 11 international, all-Russian and regional photo exhibitions (2000-2008), participant of more than 40 group exhibitions (1993-2008). The author's works are presented in the collections of the State Russian Museum and the Museum of Nonconformist Art (St. Petersburg), private collections;
Alexandra Shurkina – practicing psychologist, lecturer at the Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University;
Natalya Yakovenko – is a specialist of the State Russian Museum – the sector of film, photo and video documents. Photographer. Participant of city, regional and international festivals and photo contests. Winner of the photo contest "Sights 2006".


The documents required to participate in the contest and some useful information:



Information letter
